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Pontiac Hydra-Matic (M-40)

Lower Gearshift Control



Illustrated Parts Break Down

1) Rod, Gearshift Control

2) Swivel, Control Rods to Levers (1 3/8" Long- 5/8" Dia.)

3) Lever assy., Gearshift control cross shaft.

4) Nut, Range selector lever to trans. (3/8"-16)

5) Lever, Range selector- outer

6) Cotter Pin, Control cross shaft lever to trans. lever (1/8" x 1")

7) Spring, Control cross shaft lever to trans. lever

8) Washer, Control cross shaft lever to trans. lever (13/32" 1. D. x47/64" O.D. x 1/6")

9) Bracket assy., G/Scontrol cross shaft

10) Screw, Bracket assy. to frame (5/16"-18 x 3/4")

11) Nut, Control rod to cross shaft lever (3/8"-16)

1965-68 Pontiac Hydra-Matic (M-40) Exploded View

12) Lockwasher, Control rod to cross shaft lever (3/8")

13) Washer, Control rods to levers (25/64" I.D. x 3/4" OD)

14) Bushing, Control rods to levers (3/8" ID x 1/2" OD x 1/2")

15) Grommet, Rod to cross shaft

16) Clamp, Control rods to levers (25/64" ID x 11/16" OD x 7/32")

17) Cotter Pin, Control rod to shifter tube (3/32" x 5/8")

18) Washer, Control rods to column assy. & levers

19) Sleeve, Control rods to levers (5/16" ID x 7/16" OD x 3/8")

20) Bushing, Gearshift control rod to lever (7/16" ID x 13/16" OD x 5/16")

21) Clamp, Gearshift control swivel to lever

22) Screw, Gearshift control rod to lever (5/16"-18 x 7/16")

23) Washer, Gearshift control rod to lever (3/8" ID x 7/8" OD)


The exploded view illustrates individual part placement in the assembly.